The best stock portfolios
- with us!

Stock analysis, trading signals & portfolio analysis

What do we do - individual stocks

Your expert for professional analysis of stocks, cryptos & commodities as well as precise forecasts.

Our Platforms

On, we showcase two platforms: One for comprehensive analyses and one specifically for traders, featuring the innovative DNA price indicator with an impressive success rate!

What we do - Portfolios

We build stock portfolios and optimize existing ones to enable the best investments.

Service: Portfolio analysis

From planning to implementation of your share portfolio, we support you every step of the way. In addition, we provide you with continuous support in optimizing your portfolio for maximum profits.

NEW: Financial Guides

At, we are the central hub for financial education and publications. We specifically offer stock portfolios as financial guides.

Two Platforms, One Goal

Focus on Maximum Profits!

Trade Simply. React Quickly. Invest Smartly.

The "DNA of a Stock" is an innovative model for the mathematical description of price developments. This discovery enables comprehensive analyses for stocks, cryptocurrencies, and commodities as a basis for successful investments. Our specialized trader platform provides concrete trading signals for successful trading. Experience the future of investing and trading!


A Platform for Professional Analyses of Stocks, Cryptos & Commodities

Analysis Platform for Every Investor

Dive into our analysis platform, providing comprehensive insights for individual investors and fund managers. With our proven methodology, supported by the "DNA of a Stock" model, we present tailored investment opportunities and strategic optimization. Here, complex analyses turn into clear insights to ease your investment decisions.

Price: Monthly for €44.90.


A Platform for Traders with Concrete Actionable Recommendations

A Trader Platform for Professional Traders

For traders, we've created a specialized platform: Advanced price indicators and precise actionable recommendations in a dynamic environment allow for quick decisions and successful trading. Our focus on the highest success rate is reinforced by a concise table summarizing the key signals from a pool of stocks.

Price: Monthly for €69.90.

Experience each platform without obligation and free of charge for 14 days to enhance your performance. As an exclusive member, you will then have access to all analyses or your trader platform anytime and from anywhere. Simply send us an email with your contact details to start immediately.

Discover Now at

The best stock portfolios - with us!

Stock Portfolio Analysis & Optimization

Clear Insight. Wise Decisions. Success in Sight.

Benefit now from a free valuation of your portfolio and find out how your investments will perform. Are you interested in investing in shares but unsure which is the right choice for your financial goals? Discover our services and find the optimal portfolio for your needs!

Portfolio structure & implementation

Are you interested in investing in shares and want to make your money work for you? We accompany you from the very beginning until you achieve maximum returns! Please contact us for further information. You can find portfolio examples here.

Prices can be found here.

Performance Analysis & Optimization

Do you have a portfolio and want to improve its performance? Discover our professional portfolio analysis for maximum returns. Arrange a free initial consultation now to find out about our solution in detail! You can find portfolio examples here.

Prices can be found here.

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